Summer holidays

What a sweet prospect, amidst the depths of dark January, as we are.

But - a thought for you about what sounds like a fun way of spending part of August, particularly if you're an aspiring writer.

I've been invited to spend a week at the Swanwick Writers' School in Derbyshire, as their resident crime bod, doing my best to pass on what little I know about being a crime author.  It's a kind and flattering offer, which I'll be delighted to take up.

I've said it before and I suspect I'll say it again, and probably many times.  When I get invited to try to do some teaching, I go through agonies of doubt along the lines of - what do I know?!

But the kind folk at Swanwick have been gracious enough to say they like the tvdetective books, and all that's required is to talk (in some kind of structured way!) about how I get the ideas, plan, and then write them. Such I shall attempt to do.

In truth, I very much enjoy teaching.  Did I mention I thought about becoming a teacher when I was younger, only to be beguiled by the world of the media?  Anyway, much of the reason I like it is that I learn so much too, arguably more than the poor students.  It's only when you really think about, and break down how you do something, that you start to understand it better.

So that's part of my summer hols sorted.  It's not to say I won't be eyeing a beach and  cocktail related excursion for others!  And thinking about all that certainly helps the winter weeks to edge by...