Tea and ideas

I was having a cup of tea earlier, when an odd thought struck me.

A while ago, at a talk, I was asked where my ideas for the tvdetective books come from. In reply, I said all the places you might expect - stories I've covered, court cases, newspapers, or simply pure and weird imagination.

I've just realised that was a partial answer, but by no means complete.  Another important element is where and when ideas strike.

For the last couple of days, a problem with the new book has been bothering me and I haven't seen an obvious way to resolve it.  But I was just sipping the first few molecules of tea when the answer came along.  And that made me think that perhaps a setting or situation can be a big help when trying to do some thinking.

Work through the suggestion and I'm starting to believe there's something to it.  I have some of my best ideas first thing in the morning, as soon as I wake up.  That's why I always keep my notebook by the bed.  I suspect the reason for this is the brain waking up refreshed after some sleep - or perhaps the curious deeper reaches of the mind have been chewing the matter over while the rest of me has a break.

I've also noticed I have quite a few ideas when I'm out for a walk. Maybe it's the exercise, or the fresh air and scenery that helps.  Sometimes I even have little inspirations at the gym, so it might be down to getting some oxygen and blood pumping in the brain.

Whatever all that may add up to, there's certainly a lot to think about in this thinking lark.  I raise my cup of tea in tribute!

On the subject of which, I also tend to have quite a few ideas if I've had a pint or two of ale, but they're often far too wild for any book.

Time to stop musing and rambling, before I say anything else, I think.  I do recognise that occasionally!  Don't forget, if you've got a question about the tvdetective books, or any area of my writing, feel free to get in touch.  You can do so via the contact page of the site - www.thetvdetective.com/contact.html